Newsletter 03/2023: Integration through German language skills
Dear reader,
Welcome to the new issue of the Make it in Germany newsletter. Keep up to date with the key developments in the field of immigration of skilled workers in Germany. Your Make it in Germany team wishes you an enjoyable read!
In the spotlight
Deutsche Flagge neben Kreidetafel
Language skills can play an important role in the integration of the immigrant population, not only in the labour market but also in other areas of life. Learning German is a process that ideally begins before a person immigrates and continues after their arrival in Germany. It is also worthwhile for employers recruiting skilled workers from abroad to support this process. In this issue of our newsletter, you will learn how to ensure successful language support.
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Did you know that…?
1.5 million people immigrated (net) to Germany in 2022 – a record level.
(Source: Federal Statistical Office)
Updates on Make it in Germany
The new Skilled Immigration Act (FEG) will soon make it easier for skilled workers with vocational training and individuals with practical knowledge to immigrate to Germany. A summary of the most important changes can be found on the Make it in Germany portal – just have a look at the “Visa & residence” section.
Learn more
Four international skilled workers from different countries share their experiences of learning German. Whether listening, reading, writing or speaking – find out their personal tips!
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Guest article
[Translate to English:]
The federally funded vocational language courses prepare migrants for integration - with a focus on the labor market and profession. The courses differ in detail depending on the target group. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) coordinates the courses throughout Germany and supports companies in organizing the appropriate language training for their employees.
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On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Issued by

German Economic Institute
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Cologne

Editors: Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf

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