Newsletter October 2024: Making a success of integrating skilled foreign workers
Dear reader,
Welcome to the new issue of the Make it in Germany newsletter.

In order to not only find skilled workers from abroad, but to also retain them in the long term, it is essential that companies make efforts in the area of integration. This newsletter provides you with an overview of the topic "integration management" with a helpful toolbox and reports from operational practice.

Your Make it in Germany team wishes you an enjoyable read!
In the spotlight
Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland arbeiten im Team in Deutschland
The business community is calling for a new culture of welcome to make Germany more attractive to skilled workers from abroad. But what can companies actually do? How can they develop an integration management concept? Here you will find a guide, including a toolbox with practical examples and recommendations for action.
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Did you know that…?
of all new 479,800 vocational training contracts in 2023 were concluded by trainees with non-German citizenship. The number increased by 9% compared to the previous year.

(Source: Federal Statistical Office 2024)
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Guest article
Team der Metzgerei Haller hinter der Theke
Werner Schmidt could no longer find any new trainees for his rural Haller delicatessen butcher's shop in the Black Forest. In response, he took the plunge and recruited four motivated apprentices from Indonesia. He received valuable all-round support from Wirtschaftsförderung  Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg (an Economic Development Agency) throughout the entire process. In this interview, Mr Schmidt talks about how happy he is with his new apprentices and how their integration has opened up new prospects for him. 
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Guest article
Maria Glišić, Teamleiterin Integrationsmanagement
Die Länderbahn is a private railway company with extensive experience of working with employees from abroad. The company employs a professional team to address integration management. In an interview with “Make it in Germany”, Maria Glišić, the responsible team leader, describes Die Länderbahn’s experience with integration management. 
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On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Issued by

German Economic Institute
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Cologne

Editors: Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf

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