Brief newsletter: October 2023
Dear reader,
welcome to the first issue of the Make it in Germany brief newsletter. In this new feature, we are going to inform our newsletter subscribers about new content on our website and social media on a more frequent basis - in order for you to not miss anything in the future! As usual, you will receive the newsletter on current developments and skilled worker immigration matters each quarter. Your Make it in Germany team hopes you will enjoy reading it!
Updates on Make it in Germany
On our world map you can now also find the pre-integration programs of the Goethe-Institut! In selected countries, the institutes prepare prospective migrants for everyday and working life in Germany.
Go to worldmap
The information on the new Skilled Immigration Act is now also available in Arabic, Russian, Persian and Turkish as well as on the national pages for Mexico (Spanish) and Brazil (Portuguese) - the PDFs can be found in the respective language (top right).
Have a look now
Our section "Learning German" has been given a new glow! Discover new features, for example an interactive graphic with online learning tools and further tips for learning German. The content in the section "For employers" was also updated.
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New content under "other types of visa": find out what people from third countries aiming for a career in arts or esports in Germany need to know. You will also find the special provisions for language teachers there.
Learn more
Are you interested to work as nursing professional in Germany? This webinar gives a brief overview on the labour market for nursing professionals in Germany, on vocational education and training in the field, the recognition procedure, and visa options!
Go to webinar
Are you learning German and would you like to discover the peculiarities of the German language? From now on, we will publish "fun facts" on a regular basis on our X account as well as on our YouTube channel in the "Community" section. There, you will soon also find important terms and their explanations about living and working in Germany.
Go to X account
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Issued by

German Economic Institute
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Cologne

Editors: Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf

You are receiving this newsletter because you have registered for it on Make it in Germany. The email dispatch is carried out in accordance with our data protection statement.

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