Newsletter No. 2/2020: Central points of contact for skilled immigration to Germany
Dear Reader,
Welcome to our new issue of the "Make it in Germany" newsletter. Keep up to date with the key developments in the field of immigration of skilled workers in Germany. Your "Make it in Germany"-team wishes you an enjoyable read!
In the spotlight
Figure of the month
128 900
foreigners have received the German citizenship in 2019, an increase of 15% compared to the previous year. In total, people from 183 countries became German citizens.
Updates on "Make it in Germany"
COVID-19 special regulations on visa & residence
The Corona crisis also affects entry and residence of immigrants in Germany. "Make it in Germany" has summarized the important temporary regulations.
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New video series: Ask Me Anything
Tyler is from the U.S. and lives and works in Berlin. Marina is from Russia and is an IT expert and a mother of two. Juanita is from Colombia and lives and studies in Cologne. In the new video series "Ask Me Anything", the protagonists report on their personal experiences in Germany.
Watch video series
“Make it in Germany” - webinars
Since the beginning of 2020, "Make it in Germany" has regularly been offering webinars for people interested in emigration and working, studying or receiving vocational training in Germany. In addition, special formats are planned for employers in Germany interested in recruiting from abroad. The webinars are organized in cooperation with professionals from the respective subject areas. Learn more about the "Make it in Germany" webinars.
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Guest article
Welcome Centers have become important players in the recruitment of qualified professionals. Over the years, more and more such facilities are being set up. The editorial team of "Make it in Germany" has spoken with the director Mrs. Maria Isabel Cáceres Guerrero to learn more about the Welcome Center Region Hildesheim.
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On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Issued by

German Economic Institute
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Cologne

Editors: Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf

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