Newsletter no. 2/2021: International students in Germany: Prospects after graduation
Dear Reader,
Welcome to the new issue of the ‘Make it in Germany’ newsletter. Keep up to date with the key developments in the field of immigration of skilled workers in Germany. Your "Make it in Germany"-team wishes you an enjoyable read!
In the spotlight
Ausländische Studierende in Deutschland
International students at German universities represent an important potential pool of skilled workers. Their advantage: Next to their professional qualifications, they are familiar with the cultural facets of Germany and the German language. It is also easy for them to enter working life, as international graduates have good prospects for employment and staying in Germany.
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15.45 million
people around the world are learning German as a foreign language. 73 percent of them are residing in Europe.
(Source: German Federal Foreign Office, 2020)
Updates on Make it in Germany
Thanks to the fast-track procedure for skilled workers, recruiting qualified professionals from abroad has become easier. Oliver Lützkirchen also shares this experience. For his agency he has been recruiting IT specialists from abroad for years.

Watch now
You would like to enter Germany as a student? Your studies in Germany have been prolonged due to the pandemic? We have compiled these and other questions in the FAQ on the special regulations on entry and residence in conjunction with the pandemic.
To the website
Guest article
Virtuelle Messer
to attract prospective students from around the world and inspire them to study in Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) organizes virtual education fairs. There, the DAAD answers live all questions about studying and living in Germany and more.
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On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Issued by

German Economic Institute
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Cologne

Editors: Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf

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