Brief newsletter: January 2024
Dear reader,
Welcome to the new issue of the Make it in Germany brief newsletter. In this new feature, we are going to inform our newsletter subscribers about new content on our website and social media - in order for you to not miss anything in the future.
Updates on Make it in Germany
In our new testimonial video, Rosalia and Roberto talk about how they came to Germany together through the family reunification procedure and what requirements they had to meet. The couple also talks about what they particularly like about their life in Germany.
Watch now
The "Make it in Germany" YouTube channel now counts 40,000 subscribers from all over the world. On the channel you will find explainer videos and reports on personal experiences and much more. You will soon also be seeing new videos on the changes to the Skilled Immigration Act. It's worth a subscription!
Go to channel
Parental leave, a comprehensive social security system, free education, equal rights, ... There are many good reasons to live and work in Germany! In our new category "Why Germany?!" you will discover a number of things that make life in Germany so worth living.
Have a look now
Our customisable welcome folder is now also available as a download in English alongside German. Such an information folder for the introduction to Germany and the new company is an important part of the integration of foreign skilled workers.
Go to welcome folder
Would you like to know how you can use the new Skilled Labour Immigration Act in your practice as an employer? Find out in our webinar on 21 February 2024. Register and find more webinar dates on our website!
Register here
"How to find a job in Germany?" is the topic of the next webinar for qualified professionals on 17 April (in English). Find dates for further webinars and register now - free of charge!
Register here
En nombre del Ministerio Federal de Economía y Protección del Clima (BMWK)

Issued by

Instituto de la Economía Alemana
Make it in Germany
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 21
50668 Colonia

Editors: Vanessa Pohlmann and Marlene Schimpf

You are receiving this newsletter because you have registered for it on Make it in Germany. The email dispatch is carried out in accordance with our data protection statement.

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