Entering & working in Germany
The entry of your skilled worker may be linked to the application for a visa. Find out here which options are available depending on the group of persons and which conditions are associated with them.

Our Quick Check for employers will make it easier for you to find, recruit and integrate international skilled workers and trainees. Check your options now!

Visa requirements and duties of employers
The regulations on recruiting foreign staff contain obligations regarding the visa and on the part of the employer. Find out here which conditions apply and which requirements must be observed.

The fast-track procedure for skilled workers
The fast-track procedure for skilled worker enables a faster entry for your skilled worker so that you can welcome him/her to your company as soon as possible. Here you will find information about the procedure.

Employment within the framework of a recognition partnership
Are you keen to recruit third-country employees quickly and are prepared to support them through the recognition procedure? Find out if a recognition partnership is right for you.

Work visa
Depending on the country of origin, your new skilled worker may need a visa to work in Germany. Find out here which visa must be applied for and which requirements must be met.

Visa for taking up vocational training
Offer prospective foreign trainees career prospects in Germany with the help of a visa to take up a vocational training. Here you can read more about which regulations apply.

Approval of the Federal Employment Agency
Under certain circumstances, approval from the Federal Employment Agency may be required before your skilled worker can take up employment in your company. Here you can find out when and how to obtain this approval.

Admission to the labour market by group
Access to the German labour market includes different requirements and regulations depending on the group of persons. Find out here which framework conditions must be taken into account for your skilled worker.