Internationales Team sitzt gemeinsam beim brainstormen

Successful integration

In a new country with new organisational structures, it can be challenging for your new skilled worker to feel comfortable and welcome. Create a friendly and open climate beyond the working environment. In this section you will find information on how to implement this successfully.

Learn more about: Integration of new employees
Fachkräfte aus dem Ausland arbeiten im Team in Deutschland

Integration of new employees

The integration of new employees is a task that can be mastered by the whole company together. Here are some suggestions on measures you can take at the relevant times.

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Learn more about: Day-to-day support
Internationale Gruppe von Freunden kocht gemeinsam in Deutschland

Day-to-day support

Your support may also be needed for coping with everyday life. Whether it's finding an apartment, dealing with authorities or looking after children - here you will find helpful information that you can pass on to your skilled worker.

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Learn more about: Fostering integration

Fostering integration

Integration measures are not only indispensable in the initial phase. Find out here how diversity management and training opportunities can have a positive effect within your company.

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Learn more about: German language courses
Internationaler lächelnder Mann mit deutscher Flagge

German language courses

Help your new employee to overcome language barriers by taking advantage of German language courses. Here you can read more about how you can make it easier to learn the language, both internally and externally.

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Internationale Fachkräfte an der Arbeit in einer Werkshalle