Fachkräfte aus aller Welt, die in Deutschland arbeiten

IT professionals with practical knowledge

There are relaxed rules for the recruitment of IT professionals from third countries, who can be hired without formal recognition of their professional qualifications. Find out what options are available to you here.

There are relaxed rules for the recruitment of IT professionals from third countries, even if they do not have formal recognition of their professional qualifications or an equivalent university degree in IT. Find out what options are available to you here:

To find out more about the different types of residence titles for IT professionals, please see the “Visa options for IT professionals” section under “For skilled workers”.

Good to know

If applicants from third countries have an academic degree or vocational qualification in the field of IT that is recognised in Germany, they are subject to the residence requirements of the EU Blue Card EU or the visa for qualified professionals.

Information on the web

  1. Federal Employment Agency (BA) Information on admission to the labour market

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Frau arbeitet im Büro vor einem Computer
Internationale Fachkräfte an der Arbeit in einer Werkshalle