At a glace: Visa for professionally experienced workers
From the preparations to the application forms: this step-by-step guide shows you how you can receive the visa for professionally experienced workers.
Do you have a foreign qualification and extensive professional experience? Learn about the requirements for this type of visa here.
If you are an experienced professional and would like to work in a non-regulated profession, there are good career opportunities in Germany. In this case, you can obtain a residence permit for qualified employment in Germany under Section 19c (2) of the Residence Act [AufenthG]) in conjunction with Section 6 of the Ordinance on the Employment of Foreigners (BeschV). The formal recognition of your qualification in Germany is not necessary for this.
To find out if you need a visa to enter Germany, see the “Do I need a visa?” section.
If you completed vocational education and training at a German Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK) that meets the requirements of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG), this qualification will also be accepted. For this purpose, please contact the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). You can also ask the German Chamber of Commerce Abroad that issued your qualification whether it meets the requirements.
A special provision applies to experienced professionals in the field of information and communication technologies: No proof of formal qualification (non-academic vocational qualification, academic qualification or AHK qualification) is required.
Do you meet the above-mentioned requirements? Then find out about the entry and visa process.
From the preparations to the application forms: this step-by-step guide shows you how you can receive the visa for professionally experienced workers.
As long as you are in employment and can cover your living costs, you will usually be able to extend your residence permit. You may be granted a settlement permit after five years in Germany. In this context, the general provisions under Section 9 of the Residence Act (AufenthG) apply.
Do you want to live in Germany with your family? This residence permit enables you to do so. To find out what you need to consider and what the requirements are, see the “Family life in Germany” section.
Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German.
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