You may think it’s still early days, but have you thought about what you are going to do after you have completed your vocational training? Here are some opportunities you may want to consider:
Working for a company: Many German companies are currently looking for vocationally trained skilled workers. This means that your chances of being offered a job at your company after you have completed your vocational training are good. If the company cannot employ you, or you wish to get to know another company, you can find tips for job-seeking in the “Looking for a job” section.
Are you from a third country and you successfully completed your vocational training in Germany? In order to look for a job, a residence permit for up to 18 months can be granted to you after your vocational training (according to Section 20 (1) No. 3 of the Residence Act [AufenthG]). You can look for open vacancies in the Make it in Germany job listings.
Continuing education and training: If you feel that you still have potential to make progress and would like to take on more responsibility, you should consider continuing with further training in order to obtain additional qualifications. This will give you the chance to specialise, to advance in your career or to start your own business. The type of continuing education and training that is available and most suitable for you depends on the industry and occupation you work in.
Engineering: If you work in construction or mechanical engineering, you can pursue further training to become a certified engineer (staatlich geprüfter Techniker). Full-time further training takes at least two years and involves classes at a higher vocational school (called Fachschule). At the end of your training, you will take a state examination.
Crafts: If you have trained as a craftsperson, you have the option of training to become a master craftsperson. This will lead to the German title of “Meister” which is an officially recognised qualification. Many people who have completed a continuing training course as a master craftsperson work in leading positions or set up their own business. Moreover, as a Meister you will be allowed to take on apprentices yourself.
In addition, you have the opportunity to specialise in specific fields of your occupation. More detailed information on specialisations in your area of occupation is available at BERUFENET. When you pursue continuing training to become a master craftsperson, certified engineer or specialist clerk, for example, you may be entitled to a form of financial support called Aufstiegs-BAföG. You can find out if you are eligible at
Studying: After completing your vocational training, you may also start a degree course at a higher education institution. For this purpose, you are usually required to hold a higher education entrance qualification – a school-leaving certificate that allows you to study at a higher education institution in your country of origin. However, there are exceptions: the German Meister qualification also entitles you to study any subject you like at German universities. If you do not hold the title of Meister, but have worked in your occupation for several years, you may be allowed to study certain subjects that are closely related to the vocation you trained for. The best thing to do is to enquire the specific admission requirements from the university you want to apply to.
Do you want to study, but also work at the same time? In Germany, you can work and either pursue a degree in your spare time, study part-time or get a degree via distance learning. Further information on this topic is available here.
If you need more information on studying in Germany, please visit our "Studying in Germany" section.
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Webinar for international skilled workers from India!
22 January 2025 - Opportunity Card for Germany: Application Procedure & Requirements in India
Learn in this webinar what you need to know when applying for the opportunity card in India. Experts from the diplomatic missions in New Delhi and Mumbai will explain the requirements and the application process.
Please note that this webinar is aimed primarily at Indian citizens!
Admission requirements are the necessary conditions for allowing or doing something. For example, in Germany, applicants for a course of study have to prove that they are qualified to attend university. Certain conditions also have to be fulfilled to obtain a visa.
Further training can be completed following the initial education. A distinction is made between three types: general and political, vocational, and further training at higher education institutions to broaden your respective knowledge.