In our FAQ you will find answers to the most important questions on work and life in Germany.
Who can help me with questions about living and working in Germany?
If you have questions about working and living in Germany, the German and English language "Working and Living in Germany" hotline will help you. It offers information on the topics of job search, work and career, recognition of foreign professional qualifications, entry and residence, and learning German. Please call +49 30 1815 1111 for personal advice.
Who can help me find a job in Germany?
The Central Foreign and Specialized Placement Service (ZAV), which is part of the Federal Employment Agency, can help you find a job. Send an email to make-it-in-germany@arbeitsagentur.de or call our "Working and Living in Germany" hotline at +49 30 1815 1111 for advice.
I would like to invest in Germany. Who can I turn to?
If you would like to invest in Germany, you can contact Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI). The experts at GTAI will inform you about investment opportunities in Germany as well as the legal framework and funding programmes at the location.
Who can help me with the recognition of my foreign degree in Germany?
In our section "Who needs recognition" you will find detailed information on whether you need recognition. Depending on whether you have a vocational qualification or a university degree and would like to work in a regulated or non-regulated profession, different procedures are necessary.
If you have individual questions about the recognition of your qualifications, please use the "Contact form".
How can I find counselling services in my home country?
If you are looking for contacts abroad regarding immigration to Germany, you can refer to our world map. There you are provided with a list of institutions that can support you locally in each country.
Working in Germany
Can I work in Germany?
The conditions and requirements for working in Germany differ depending on your country of origin. You can check which options are open to you with our Quick-Check.
Do I need a visa to work in Germany?
You can work in Germany without restrictions and do not need a visa if you come from the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland. Everyone else needs a visa to live and work in Germany. The type of visa that is suitable for you depends on your qualifications and the purpose of your stay. Further information on visas can be found here.
The Federal Government has passed a new Skilled Immigration Act. What changes does the new law bring?
The amended version of the Skilled Immigration Act for the immigration of skilled workers from third countries to Germany successively came into force as of November 2023. Thanks to the amendment, the immigration of skilled workers with vocational training and persons with practical professional expertise is facilitated. Please find additional detailed information regarding the amendments here.
Can I have my professional qualification acquired abroad recognised in Germany?
You can have your professional qualification acquired abroad recognised in Germany. In some cases, this is even mandatory in order to be able to work in your profession in Germany or to obtain a work visa. The Recognition Act, which came into force in 2012, has made it easier to have foreign professional qualifications recognised. Accordingly, everyone is entitled to a recognition procedure, regardless of nationality or place of residence.
Where can I find job offers in Germany?
You can find current job offers in Germany on the "Make it in Germany" job listings or on other well-known job portals on the Internet. Employers have agreed to receive applications from foreign professionals for all job offers on the "Make it in Germany" job listings. You can find further tips on job hunting in our "Looking for a Job" section.
In which professions and sectors do I stand a good chance of finding a job in Germany?
At this point in time, especially technically qualified professionals, such as engineers and IT specialists, have good chances of finding a job in Germany. But German companies are also looking for doctors, nurses, craftspeople and scientists. More information on sought-after occupations can be found in the article "Professions in demand".
Do I have to speak German to find work in Germany?
Whether you need German language skills in your profession depends on the profession to be practised and the employer. Often, proof of certain German language skills is also necessary for applying for a visa. In any case, it is very helpful for everyday life as well as for active participation in society to acquire knowledge of the German language. Experience shows that the language level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is a good starting point for this. You can find out how and where you can learn German in the "Learn German" section.
How do I apply for a job in Germany?
To apply for a job in Germany, you will usually need a German curriculum vitae (CV), a cover letter and references about your qualifications. You can find tips on how to apply in the "Applying for a job" section.
What should be in my employment contract?
In Germany, you will receive a written work contract from your employer. The work contract should contain information such as your name, the start date of the contract and the working conditions (salary, holidays, weekly working hours, etc.). You can find more details in the "Work contract" section.
I have successfully completed my studies in Germany. Can I work here from now on?
You can stay in Germany after graduating and work here. If you are from the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, you have unrestricted access to the labour market. If you are from a third country, you can, for example, obtain a residence permit to work, look for a job or do a doctorate after completing your studies. The "Prospects After Graduation" article explains what opportunities are available to you.
What is the Western Balkans Regulation?
The Western Balkans Regulation facilitates access to the German labour market for nationals of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. If you come from one of these countries, find out about your options under Western Balkans Regulation and Skilled Immigration Act.
Setting up a business in Germany
Can I start a business in Germany? Do I need a visa for that?
You can start a business in Germany and do not need a visa if you come from the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland. Everyone else needs a visa to live and set up a business in Germany. You can check your options with the Quick-Check.
You can find detailed information in the section "Setting up a business in Germany" in the "Visa for a business start-up" article.
Is my professional activity self-employed or freelance?
Depending on which self-employed activity you pursue, you can work as a freelancer or register a trade. You can find information on this topic in the "Types of new businesses" article.
Will I receive support in Germany if I want to start my own business?
There are numerous funding programmes and free advice centres for people who want to become self-employed in Germany. Find out more in the dossier "Setting up a business" dossier in the "Financing and funding programmes" article.
Living in Germany
How does looking for housing work?
You can find a flat and housing offers mainly on real estate platforms on the Internet. You can also seek assistance from a real estate agent. The "Living in Germany" section offers additional information and links.
What do I have to consider when moving into a new accommodation?
Once you have found an accommodation and are planning your move, there are a few things to keep in mind. You can find tips on this in the "Living in Germany" section.
Where do I register my place of residence and what documents do I need?
The Residents’ Registration Office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt) in your town is responsible for registering you in your new accommodation. You must make an appointment there within two weeks of moving in. You can find more information in the "Looking for housing" section.
Can my family come to Germany with me?
In principle, yes. If you and your spouse are from the European Union, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, then moving to Germany is quite simple. No visa is required for this. If your spouse is from a third country, then they need a visa for the purpose of spousal reunification to enter Germany. If your residence permit for taking up qualified employment in Germany was issued on the day of or after 1 March 2024 for the first time, you may bring your parents or parents-in-law to Germany. Read here which requirements need to be met for this purpose. More information on the family reunification of parents can be received at the German embassy or your local foreigners authority.
Studying and training
I would like to study in Germany. What are the requirements?
If you would like to study at one of the German universities, you will need a university entrance qualification certificate that entitles you to study. You can find more information in the Quick Check and in the section "Study & Training".
What does it cost to study in Germany?
If you want to study or do a doctorate at a public university, in most cases there are no tuition fees. Compared to other countries, studying in Germany is therefore inexpensive. You only have to pay a small semester fee. This includes the semester ticket, which allows you to use bus and train services in the region free of charge. You can find out what other costs you should calculate in the "Study" section.
I would like to study or do a PhD in Germany. Can I get a scholarship?
You can read about how to obtain a suitable scholarship for a degree or doctorate in the "Study" section.