Internationale Fachkräfte installieren Solarmodule

Other professions in demand

Here you will find a list of other professions in demand in the fields of medicine and health, medical engineering, hospitality and catering, as well as education.

Here is a list of other professions for which qualified skilled workers are sought in Germany.  This list is a selection of professions and is not intended to be exhaustive.

For each job title, a link to the corresponding job profile on the German-language BERUFENET website of the Federal Employment Agency is provided. If necessary, please use a translator.

Medical professions


Professions in medical engineering


Hotel and catering industry


Professions in education

Next steps

[Translate to English:] Nächste Schritte
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✔ Profession profiles: Find out more about the responsibilities and prospects in the individual professions on the Federal Employment Agency's website Berufenet (only available in German).

✔ Your career prospects: Our Quick-Check helps you find out about your options for working and living in Germany.

✔ Find job openings: Find out more about the job search and get valuable tips in our “Looking for a job” section.

Apply now: Find a suitable job through our "Make it in Germany" job listings and use our tips for successfully applying for a job in Germany.

Do you have any questions?

Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German. 

You can find out more about the various contact options by clicking on one of the icons in the bar below.

Lächelnde junge Frau bei der Arbeit am Laptop
Hamburger Stadtlandschaft