To prepare the job advertisement, draw up the job profile as precisely as possible, stating key professional and personal requirements.

  • Be sure to explain all of the required qualifications in detail, and bear in mind that international applicants may not necessarily have the same background knowledge as candidates who grew up in Germany. Refrain from using specific abbreviations and paraphrases.
  • Mention that your company can assist with the recognition of qualifications from abroad.
  • Specify the level of German language skills required, and state which language is used as the corporate language.
  • Write the job advertisement in English or in the national language of your future qualified professional. This will enable you to reach out to candidates who are not yet proficient in German. Besides demonstrating that you are a cosmopolitan company, you will also enhance your company's image abroad.
  • If possible, you should also state a specific salary and mention any other benefits offered by your company, such as a relocation service, language learning support, or assistance in finding accommodation. The more you offer, the more appealing you will be appealing to skilled workers.
  • Describe what you are looking for as specifically as possible, while making yourself attractive to applicants at the same time. In addition, state the languages in which you accept applications.

For more tips on how to write job advertisements, visit the KOFA website.

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Internationale Fachkräfte an der Arbeit in einer Werkshalle