At a glance: Visa for a study-related internship EU
From the preparations to the application forms: This step-by-step guide shows you how to obtain a visa to complete a study-related traineeship EU.
Are you studying outside the EU and would like to gain work experience in Germany through an internship? Then the visa for a study-related internship EU is for you.
With a visa to complete an academic internship in accordance with Section 16e of the Residence Act (AufenthG), you can learn about the everyday working life in Germany, gather work experience and establish contacts with potential employers.
To find out whether you require a visa to enter Germany, see "Who needs a visa?".
Do you meet these requirements? Learn about the procedure for the entry and visa process.
A visa or residence permit to complete an academic internship shall be issued for the duration of the internship and for a maximum of six months. You may not obtain employment during this time.
From the preparations to the application forms: This step-by-step guide shows you how to obtain a visa to complete a study-related traineeship EU.
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