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Nursing professional

Get trained as a nurse: basic medical knowledge and carefully dealing with persons in need of nursing care are the vocational training’s main focus.

Are you communicative and do you like working with people? Are you also interested in medicine and organisation, and are you reliable and conscientious? Then training to become a nurse could be just right for you. Here you will work in the care of people of all ages in various areas, e.g. in hospitals, long-term care facilities and outpatient care services. Possible areas of work include geriatric nursing and occupational health and paediatric nursing.

Vocational training content

In the first two years of vocational training, general nursing training is provided. This includes teaching about the healthy and ill human being, as well as preventive and curative measures. Knowledge of the use of digital administration software, e.g. in nursing documentation, as well as the use of medical technology innovations round off the vocational training. 
Before starting your third year of vocational training, you will have the option to choose your specialisation for the last third of your programme: you may either specialise in long-term care (qualification: geriatric nurse (Altenpfleger/in)) or paediatric nursing (qualification: pediatric nurse (Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpfleger/in)) or you may continue your generalist nursing training and gain the vocational qualification “nurse” ("Pflegefachfrau/-mann", “Pflegefachperson”).

Good to know

The generalised state training qualification of clinical nurse specialists is recognised throughout the EU.

Special requirements 

  • School requirements: You will need a certificate of intermediate education. 
  • Sufficient knowledge of German: Depending on the federal state, you need German language skills at level B1 or B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • Physical aptitude: You will need to provide a certificate proving that you are physically and mentally fit to work as a nurse. This can be a certificate from your country of origin or a medical certificate issued in Germany.
  • Reliability: In order to prove your trustworthiness, you will need proof of your criminal record. Depending on your situation, it is sufficient to provide a certificate of good conduct or standing from your country of origin or a German certificate of conduct (Führungszeugnis).


German language: Get useful tips on how and where to learn German in the “Learn German” section! The “IMED-KOMM” platform also offers a comprehensive online course “German for foreign healthcare and nursing professionals”. There is also the free app “Ein Tag Deutsch in der Pflege” (A day of German in nursing) from the IQ network with real-life scenarios and communication exercises.

Learning environment

The practical part of the vocational training takes place in a hospital, care facility or outpatient nursing service and is more extensive than the theoretical part, which takes place in a nursing school. In addition, practical training is provided in specialised institutions, i.e. in a children's hospital, in a psychiatric hospital, in counselling centres or hospices. Full-time vocational training ends after three years (part-time after five years) with a state examination.

Remuneration corresponding to years of vocational training

1st year     €1,341
2nd year    €1,402
3rd year     €1,503

Remuneration (TVAöD): gross salary before tax and deductions for social security contributions; source: Federal Employment Agency (BA), as of Januray 2025.


  • Hospitals
  • Care facilities
  • Outpatient nursing services
  • Residential homes for people with disabilities
  • Counselling centres and hospices

Do I need a visa?

As a citizen of the European Union, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway or Switzerland, you do not need a visa or residence permit to work in Germany. Citizens of other countries do require a residence permit for this purpose. Please refer to the “Visa” section to find out more about the visa for vocational training.

Info box

If you are considering seeking additional assistance with the immigration process to Germany, you can find basic information on private and government agencies and state-run advice services in Germany in the "Placement agencies" section.

Prospects after vocational training

  • Nursing professionals take on tasks reserved solely for them, i.e. they assess individual nursing needs, organise nursing processes, carry out nursing and medical measures and are responsible for quality assurance of nursing care.
  • Further education is necessary to keep up to date, e.g. in the field of hygiene, in nursing or in the implementation of various measures connected to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Promotional education to become a “specialist nurse” in a wide range of areas, such as intensive care, surgery or geriatric psychiatry. In addition, further education is possible in the areas of case management, managerial posts or as a practical instructor in care.
  • Bachelor's degree programmes in the areas of nursing with various specialisations, such as nursing science, vocational education for nursing and health care professions, health and nursing management. Moreover, there are also in-service degree programmes, particularly in advanced clinical nursing. These include emergency nursing, neurological nursing and oncology nursing.   
  • The path to self-employment, e.g. with an outpatient nursing and social service.

Further information on this profession:

Federal Employment Agency

Placement and projects

Have you finished school and are interested in the medical field? There are a number of interesting projects that offer special opportunities to train as a nurse in Germany. All projects follow the principle of fair and ethical recruitment and are based on international standards.

Training to become a nursing assistant

If you want to learn more about the nursing sector, you can complete training to become a nursing assistant. This training is shorter and offers prospects for future career development.

Training format

Training to become a nursing assistant is regulated by state law – and therefore varies from federal state to federal state. Not only does the length of training vary (usually one to two years, but at least one year), but also the content of the training and the job title. Other job titles include assistant in nursing, care assistant, geriatric care assistant and health and care assistant. This is a training programme consisting of theoretical and practical instruction. The theoretical part takes place in a vocational or nursing school, while the practical part takes place in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities or outpatient care facilities.

Nursing assistants work as part of a team with nursing professionals in outpatient, inpatient acute care and residential long-term care settings. In general, nursing assistants help people with their personal hygiene and eating, or encourage them to be more independent by supervising and taking part in exercise, board games and other activities. They also provide patients with food and accompany them to treatments, as well as assisting nurses with medical treatments and documenting nursing activities.

Outpatient nursing services also include running the household of the person in need of care. Here, nursing assistants do the shopping, cooking and hygiene in the home. They also advise family members on the use of care aids.

At the end of the training, there is a state examination. The final examination usually consists of an oral, written and practical part.

Special requirements

The following requirements apply in most federal states:

  • School requirements: You will need a first general school-leaving certificate (lower secondary school-leaving certificate).

In addition, the following requirements are often specified:

  • Sufficient knowledge of German: You will need German language skills at level B1 to B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
  • Physical aptitude: You will need to provide a certificate proving that you are physically and mentally fit to work as a nursing assistant. This can be a certificate from your country of origin or a medical certificate issued in Germany.
  • Reliability: To prove your trustworthiness, you need proof that you have no criminal record. Depending on your situation, it is sufficient to provide a certificate of good conduct from your country of origin, a certificate of good standing or a German certificate of conduct (Führungszeugnis).

Training allowance

As this is a school-based training programme, there is generally no entitlement to remuneration during training. That said, many training providers do pay a salary based on the minimum training allowance. However, some schools also charge costs such as tuition fees.

Prospects after vocational training

  • Professional development (such as in nursing, nursing care, nursing documentation or hygiene)
  • Promotional education to become a nursing professional; if you have completed training to become a nursing assistant, this will count towards your promotional education. At the candidate’s request, the training programme for skilled workers can be shortened by a third. Nursing work can then be carried out with greater competence and responsibility.

Do I need a visa?

As a citizen of the European Union, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway or Switzerland, you do not need a visa or residence permit to work in Germany. Citizens of other countries do require a residence permit for this purpose. Please refer to the “Visa” section to find out more about the visa for vocational training.

Nursing and care assistants from third countries who have completed their training in Germany will in future be able to apply for a residence title for jobseekers under Section 20 (1) No. 5 of the Residence Act [AufenthG]. The residence permit will be issued for up to twelve months – if the applicant’s livelihood is further secured, it can be extended by up to six months.

Further information on the web

  1. Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks (BAFzA) The new nursing training courses
  2. Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) Make a career as a human being
  3. Federal Employment Agency (BA) Berufenet: Nursing Assistant as a training occupation

Do you have any questions?

Let us advise you on your opportunities to work and live in Germany. Our experts will support you with questions regarding job search, visa, recognition and learning German. 

You can find out more about the various contact options by clicking on one of the icons in the bar below.

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