Internationale IT-Programmiererin bei der Arbeit in Deutschland
0 Gemerkte Jobs


Ergotherapie-Praxis Nehrlich GbR Referenznummer: 10000-1198341727-S
  • Sprache / Bewerbung in:
  • Arbeitszeit: Teilzeit - Nachmittag, Vollzeit, Teilzeit - Vormittag
  • Arbeitsort: Rottenburg am Neckar (Baden-Württemberg), Tübingen (Baden-Württemberg)
  • Unternehmensgröße: Zwischen 6 und 50
  • Art des Arbeitsvertrags: Unbefristet
  • Online seit: 13.03.2024

Work as an occupational therapist in a way that suits your life? That's possible with us!

Beginner or experienced professional, full-time or part-time, we make it fitting for you!

Our full-time position is 36 hours per week. So, you can implement the full-time position in 4 days if you wish. You won't find that anywhere else.
And that's not all. There are many other benefits:

- company pension scheme
- commuting allowance
- job bike (subsidised e-bike leasing)
- a cooperation with a gym
- opportunities for professional development
- fair salary orientated at the Wage Agreement for Public Service (TVöD) + bonuses
- support for the recognition of foreign qualifications
- support in finding a place to live

Feel free to take a look at our careers page!
We are also proud to be among the 5% of the best-rated employers in Germany on Kununu.

We are an occupational therapy practice with branches in Rottenburg and Tübingen. You can work in Tübingen, Rottenburg, or in both practices.
Our range of occupational therapy services includes paediatrics, neurology, hand therapy, psychiatry, orthopaedics, and traumatology.

What you need to bring

- A qualification as an occupational therapist
- German language level B2, or the willingness to acquire it

We are looking forward to receiving your application!
You can apply in 2 minutes on our career page. Or call us directly if you have any questions.

For applicants who have their permanent residence abroad: The International and Specialized Services will help you find a job in Germany. We are a department of the German Federal Employment Agency. Our service is free of charge.
We will be happy to inform you:
+49 (0) 228 713 1313 /

Für Bewerber/Bewerberinnen, die Ihren festen Wohnsitz im Ausland haben: Die Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung (ZAV) hilft Ihnen bei der Arbeitssuche in Deutschland. Wir sind Teil der staatlichen Arbeitsagentur. Unser Service ist kostenlos.
Wir informieren Sie gerne:
+49 (0) 228 713 1313 /


Unsere Stellenausschreibungen richten sich stets an alle berufsfähigen Menschen, unabhängig von Alter, Geschlecht, Herkunft, sexueller Orientierung, Behinderung, Religion und Weltanschauung etc. Die Bewerberauswahl erfolgt ausschließlich qualifikationsorientiert. Irrtümer in den Angaben und der Schreibweise vorbehalten.

Hamburger Stadtlandschaft